
Nathaniel Barber comments on the Co-op equal pay tribunal

crowd of people walking through a shopping area

The Legal Diary published a weekly update of current legal news, including the significance of Co-op shop floor workers having won a key legal argument in a pay tribunal to secure equal pay with warehouse staff.

Associate Nathaniel Barber commented:

This recent development further demonstrates the strong grounds for store workers’ equal pay claims against Supermarkets.

The move from Co-op to concede this issue follows on from the Supreme Court’s decision supporting workers in the claim against Asda, and the European Court of Justice’s judgment against Tesco. Surely all Supermarkets must now recognise that they are on the wrong side of this issue.

It is about time the Supermarkets pay their store workers, who have been on the frontline of feeding the nation during this Pandemic, equally to their distribution centre colleagues.“

Nathaniel’s comments were published in The Legal Diary, 4 February 2022, and can be found here.

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