Media Coverage

Nathaniel Barber comments on the ongoing supermarket equal pay claims

Associate Nathaniel Barber comments on the ongoing supermarket equal pay claims. Nathaniel’s comments were published in the Legal Diary, 10 June 2022, and… Read More

2 years ago

Eleanor Leedham reflects on possible outcomes in the power cable cartel group action

Eleanor Leedham, Senior Associate, reflects on possible outcomes in the competition group action claim against a cartel of power cable… Read More

2 years ago

Eleanor Leedham examines the UK’s opt-out class action regime

Eleanor Leedham, Senior Associate, examines the UK’s new opt-out class action regime for competition claims, including the various arguments surrounding… Read More

2 years ago

Ben Rees and Alessio Ianiello examine the British Steel mis-selling scandal

Technical Director Ben Rees and Associate Alessio Ianiello analyse the British Steel pensions scandal and the FCA’s proposed redress scheme in Law360. Ben and… Read More

2 years ago

Kingsley Hayes highlights the pitfalls of automated decision making

Partner and Head of Data Breach, Kingsley Hayes, highlights the pitfalls of automated decision making and explains the importance of… Read More

2 years ago

News of our Parasol data breach claim published in Computer Weekly

Computer Weekly published an article reporting on the Parasol umbrella company data breach in which cybercriminals accessed the personal information… Read More

2 years ago

Mark Kenkre explores new models of online banking fraud

Mark Kenkre, Partner and Head of the Investment Fraud and Mis-Selling Team, explores new models of online banking fraud and… Read More

2 years ago

Mark Kenkre, Matt Sumpton and Ufedo Omale examine greenwashing in ESG funds

Partner and Head of the Investment Fraud and Mis-Selling Team Mark Kenkre, Associate Matt Sumpton and Paralegal Ufedo Omale examine… Read More

2 years ago

Guy Robson comments on the future of group litigation

Partner and vice-president of CORLA Guy Robson comments on the future of collective action and the need for new rules… Read More

2 years ago

Alessio Ianiello comments on the FCA invoking emergency powers

Associate Alessio Ianiello comments on the FCA's decision to invoke its emergency powers to stop financial advisers involved in the… Read More

2 years ago