Media Coverage

Nathaniel Barber comments on the Co-op equal pay tribunal

The Legal Diary published a weekly update of current legal news, including the significance of Co-op shop floor workers having… Read More

3 years ago

Mark Kenkre comments on cryptocurrency promotions in The Legal Diary

The Legal Diary published a weekly update of current legal news. Mark Kenkre, Partner and Head of Investment Mis-selling and… Read More

3 years ago

Keller Lenkner UK shortlisted at the 2022 LexisNexis Legal Awards

We are extremely pleased to announce that KLUK has been shortlisted for Law Firm of the Year at this year's LexisNexis Legal Awards. The LexisNexis Legal Awards were launched… Read More

3 years ago

Ben Rees comments on the British Armed Forces pensions mis-selling scandal

Money Marketing published an article reporting on the British Armed Forces pensions mis-selling scandal. Ben Rees, Technical Director of the… Read More

3 years ago

Keller Lenkner UK plans to launch a group action claim against the Police Federation in 2022

Keller Lenkner UK is representing thousands of Police Officers seeking compensation for the Police Federation's failure to adequately protect their personal and sensitive data… Read More

3 years ago

Kingsley Hayes highlights the importance of data security for charities

Head of Data Breach, Kingsley Hayes, highlights the importance of data security for charities, pointing to the recent fine imposed… Read More

3 years ago

Kingsley Hayes explores the future of PECR regulations following Lloyd v Google

Head of Data Breach, Kingsley Hayes, explores PECR following Lloyd v Google, in Global Data Review. Kingsley’s article was published… Read More

3 years ago

Guy Robson discusses COP26 and the future of emissions

Partner Guy Robson discusses Cop26 and the future of electric vehicles, along with the potential impact on emissions, in The… Read More

3 years ago

Kingsley Hayes comments on Pure Legal’s data breach cases

Global Data Review published an article reporting on the insolvent data breach firm Pure Legal, including the data breach case… Read More

3 years ago

Ben Rees highlights the need for reform at the FCA

Ben Rees, Technical Director of the Investment Fraud & Mis-selling group, highlights the need for reform at the FCA in… Read More

3 years ago