
Equal Pay Claim Against Tesco

Tesco store workers may be entitled to thousands of pounds in compensation.

Tesco is failing to pay supermarket store workers a comparable wage to employees working in its distribution centres. Tesco has been accused of paying distribution centre employees as much as £3 an hour more than store staff. However, store and distribution centre workers do jobs of equal value and should be paid equally. As a result, we believe that current and former Tesco store workers deserve compensation for the money they have not been paid. These Tesco store workers could be owed thousands of pounds each.

At Keller Postman UK, we are helping these store workers make an equal pay claim against Tesco.

Shopping Trolley

If you are currently working or have previously worked at a Tesco store in England or Wales at any time in the last six years, you may qualify to join our Tesco equal pay claim.

Signing up is straightforward and costs you nothing as we act on a no win-no fee basis.


We are holding Tesco to account for underpaying its workers

We are representing Tesco store workers in a group action claim. When people join a group action, this strengthens their overall position and makes big organisations like Tesco take the matter seriously.  A group action increases the Tesco store workers’ chances of success. 

By providing claimants with access to specialist litigation lawyers – without having to pay any upfront fees – we aim to hold Tesco to account for not paying its store workers what they are due.

We believe that many Tesco store workers are owed thousands of pounds each. We make the process of claiming back what you are due straightforward. It is free to sign up and takes only a few minutes.

The Tesco equal pay claim is not just for female employees

Anyone, male or female, who has worked at a Tesco store in England or Wales in an hourly paid job in the last six years is likely to be eligible to claim.

It is likely that the difference in pay between store and distribution centre workers is due to gender. However, while female store worker claims will lead the equal pay case, their male colleagues would be eligible for the same level of compensation if successful.

To be awarded compensation, both male and female workers must make a claim.

Don’t lose out on your chance to claim with Keller Postman UK

If you are currently or have previously worked at a Tesco store in England or Wales at any time in the last six years, you may qualify to join our group claim.

It is illegal for Tesco to fire you for making a claim. 

If you wait too long to sign-up, you may not get all the compensation you are due. Or your claim may be thrown out altogether. So, we encourage you to sign-up quickly to get all the compensation you deserve.

If you are unsure if you have a claim, it is worth contacting us to find out if you may be eligible by contacting us today.

It is free to sign up, and you owe us nothing unless we win and get you the compensation you deserve. *

* We act on a strict no-win, no-fee basis. As our client, you will not pay us anything upfront. If your claim is successful, our success fee is up to 45% of any compensation we recover for you plus expenses. If we succeed, a portion of the damages awarded to your will cover our costs and expenses.  We need to charge this fee to cover the work done on your behalf by our expert litigation lawyers to win the claim.

Your questions answered

See our answers to the FAQs we get asked about claiming against Tesco.

Tesco is failing to pay supermarket store workers a comparable wage to employees working in its distribution centres. Tesco has been accused of paying distribution centre employees as much as £3 an hour more than store staff. However, store and distribution centre workers do jobs of equal value and should be paid equally. As a result, we believe that current and former Tesco store workers deserve compensation for the money they have not been paid. These Tesco store workers could be owed thousands of pounds each.

At Keller Postman UK, we are helping these Tesco store workers make an equal pay claim against Tesco.

We are bringing claims on behalf of store workers who are currently or have previously worked at a Tesco store in England or Wales at any time in the last six years. If you are currently or have previously worked at a Tesco store in England or Wales at any time in the last six years, you may qualify to join our group claim against Tesco.

You will only have to pay anything if you win. You will not have to pay anything up front. Any payment would only come out of the money that we recover from Tesco on your behalf. We will conduct the litigation for you under a no win no fee agreement.

If you win, our fees will be deducted from your damages. If you do not win your claim, then you will not be liable to pay anything (except where you have told us something untrue or otherwise misled us about your claim).

If you are successful, our success fee is up to 45% of any compensation we recover for you plus expenses.

Keller Postman UK believes that Tesco store workers could be owed thousands of pounds in compensation because they were not paid the equivalent to Tesco distribution centre workers.

No. When you claim against an employer, the law automatically protects you from any act of retaliation. Tesco cannot treat you any differently for joining the claim.  

Not at all. The process to join is straightforward and can be completed quickly from your phone or computer.

We cannot tell for sure how long the case will take although we anticipate that the Tesco equal pay claim could take several years. It will be hard-fought by Tesco and a number of Court and/or Employment Tribunal hearings will be required.

We will provide regular updates on the progress of the claim once you have formally signed up to the Keller Postman UK Tesco equal pay claim.

If you don’t join the group claim you might not receive any financial compensation. A successful claim could equal up to six years’ backpay from the date we start your claim, and backpay from the date we start until the claim is resolved. So, if you currently or have previously worked at Tesco over the past six years it is definitely worth joining the Keller Postman UK action. Our expert team will help fight your corner and hold Tesco accountable for its actions.

If you are interested joining the Tesco compensation claim, sign up with Keller Postman UK to see if you are eligible for the claim.

Absolutely. Anyone, male, or female, who has worked at a Tesco store in England or Wales in the last six years in an hourly paid job may be eligible to claim.

It is likely that the difference in pay between store and distribution centre workers is due to gender.

However, while female store worker claims will lead the equal pay case, their male colleagues might also be eligible for the same level of compensation and backpay if successful. So, a male store worker can also bring a ‘ claim. To be awarded compensation, both male and female workers must make a claim.

Yes, you can continue to work for Tesco if you join our claim. It is unlawful for Tesco to fire you for pursuing a claim against them, or to treat you any differently.

Yes. If you are made redundant, you can still make an equal pay claim. We recommend that you join the claim as soon as possible to ensure you receive as much compensation as you are owed. 

If you are made redundant and your employer asks you to sign documents about your redundancy or your redundancy pay, do not sign them until you have sought legal advice. Also, you must tell your legal adviser that you have issued or intend to issue an equal pay claim. 

Once you have signed up to join our claim, there is nothing more you need to do. We will let you know if you are eligible and, if so, invite you to formally join our action. We will then progress the claim on your behalf. Please keep copies of any documentation regarding your work at a Tesco Store. 

Please keep us informed if any of your contact information changes so we can stay in touch with you. You should also lookout for any emails from us, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. 

No, you cannot join the equal pay claim with us if you have joined the claim with another firm.

We are a specialist group and multi-claimant litigation firm.  We specialise in bringing claims on behalf of large numbers of people against big corporates.  Our lawyers have settled claims worth many millions of pounds.

We have a team of client service specialists available to answer questions five days a week by phone, email, or SMS between 9am and 6pm. Our client service specialists are in regular direct contact with our legal team.

Find out more about making a claim
with Keller Postman UK

With years of experience working in commercial litigation and a genuine understanding of the inner workings of large defendants, our knowledge of the business world sets us apart from the usual group action law firm.