Press Release

Keller Lenkner UK appointed as data breach advisor to Communication Workers Union

Data breach and cybercrime specialist law firm, Keller Lenkner UK, has been appointed to deliver data breach claims support to nearly 200,000 members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU).

CWU is the largest union for the communications industry in the country representing workers from the postal, telecoms, mobile, administration and financial sectors. 

Kingsley Hayes, head of data breach at Keller Lenkner UK, commented: “We are delighted to be appointed as sole legal data breach advisor to members of the Communication Workers Union. The organisation has a long history of campaigning to raise the voice, and protect the rights, of its members.

“There is a strong synergy in our core values and clear commitment to standing firm on individuals’ rights. We will be working closely with the CWU legal team to represent members when their data protection rights have been violated.

“Data breaches can occur either following a malicious cyber-attack or simply through human error. Regardless of how it happened, a breach in the confidentiality of personal information can be devastating for victims. 

“We support clients to secure the compensation that is rightly theirs. We carefully consider individual circumstances and review the full impact which may include psychological distress.”

Tony Rupa, Head of Legal Services at the Communication Workers Union (CWU), said: “We are passionate about protecting, and promoting, the interests of our membership. We recognised that data breaches are a risk that many of our members may be subjected to and sought to add to the Union’s wide range of legal services.

“Kingsley Hayes has an excellent reputation and we warmly welcome the firm onboard to deliver high quality, and sensitive, legal representation to protect and promote our members’ data protection rights.”

The data breach team at Keller Lenkner UK helps individuals secure compensation following data protection breaches and other cyber offences such as computer fraud, identity theft, defamation, hacking and phishing scams.

Keller Lenkner UK is a group action and multi-party specialist litigation firm with offices in Chancery Lane in London and The Cotton Exchange in Liverpool.

The firm’s 30 strong legal team is currently representing tens of thousands of workers and consumers in actions against well-funded corporates.

Currently representing in excess of 28,000 claimants, the firm’s highly knowledgeable legal team offers extensive experience in complicated litigation. Current actions being pursued by the firm include:

– employment claim against Uber for unpaid wages

– emissions claims against the Volkswagen Group and Mercedes

– data breach claims including British Airways, Marriott International, Equifax, Dixons  

Carphone, Yahoo, easyJet and T-Mobile.


Rana Audah

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